So What?

The 'So What' Methodology by Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy

The ‘So What?’ Methodology by Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy

Embarking on a genealogical journey often unveils more than just names and dates; it uncovers stories, cultures, and legacies. Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy, fondly known as “familytreegirl”, champions a distinctive approach to genealogy through her “So What” methodology. This investigative framework challenges individuals to delve beyond the surface of their ancestral findings, probing the stories and implications that lie beneath.

Understanding ‘So What?’ in Genealogy

The “So What?” methodology beckons a deeper exploration into the narratives behind genealogical data. It’s not just about who your ancestors were, but understanding their experiences, the times they lived in, and the legacy they left behind. This methodology fosters a richer, more insightful engagement with one’s ancestry, transforming names on a family tree into vivid characters in a familial narrative.

Dr. Murphy’s Approach

Dr. Murphy utilizes the “So What?” methodology as a lens through which individuals can explore their genealogical findings. In her workshops, presentations, and consultations, she employs this framework to inspire engaging discussions and deeper understanding of one’s heritage. The methodology also underpins her problem-solving techniques, assisting individuals in overcoming challenges that arise in their genealogical pursuits.

Featured Session: Analyzing an Obituary with the ‘So What?’ Methodology

In a practical demonstration of the “So What?” methodology, Dr. Murphy, along with Toni Carrier, delves into analyzing obituaries to glean rich insights into one’s ancestry. This session showcases the methodology’s application in real genealogy scenarios, providing a hands-on approach to understanding and employing the “So What” methodology in your research.

Watch the Session: ‘So What’ – Analyze an Obituary with Shelley and Toni (Part 1)

Featured Session: Embracing ‘So What?’ in Genealogy Problem Solving

Dive into an engaging discussion with Dr. Murphy in this Blog Talk radio session where she elaborates on the “So What” methodology. This session, hosted by Bernice Bennett, unravels the essence of questioning the value of genealogical evidence and planning paths to new leads and discoveries. Dr. Murphy shares her experience and the practical application of “So What” in analyzing records and uncovering compelling narratives hidden within your family history.

Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy's "So What? method interview by Bernice Bennett

Listen to the Session: Embracing ‘So What?’ in Genealogy Problem Solving​​.

Featured Blog Post: Unraveling Historical Context with ‘So What’ Methodology

Dr. Murphy’s blog post, SO WHAT Mr. Luke Goins-I have your Certificate of Freedom, now what?, demonstrates the application of the “So What” methodology in dissecting a historical document – a Certificate of Freedom from 1795. Through a series of probing questions, Dr. Murphy unveils the law’s implications, historical context, and the document’s relevance to her ancestry. This post illuminates the power of the “So What” methodology in bridging the past with the present, providing a structured approach to genealogical investigation.

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