Military Mystery: Unknown WWI United States Negro Troop. Could They Be Our 812th Pioneer Infantry?

Excellent blog on the 812th WW1 troop. Kudos to Luckie Daniels. There is lots of information in this blog, feel free to contact me or Luckie Daniels if you feel you have a connection to the 812th Pioneer Infantry.

Where Honor Is Due: Our Men of Military Service

USCT-MYSTERY-(combined)click on image to enlarge

As I continue on my mission to find more details about the Company K, 812th Pioneer Infantry for AAGSAR Members Mary (Jewells In Dem Kentucky Hills) and Bernita (Voices Inside My Head), I *stumbled upon* these striking images of an unidentified United States troop of African American Soldiers from World War I.

These Unknown Negro Troop images were located with equally amazing images of the Company B, 814th Pioneer Infantry, with these additional details:

Company B, 814th Pioneer Infantry
Captain William D. Haydon, Comdr., “Black Devils”
January 31, 1919
Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky.

Royal Photo Co. #863
Lou, Ky.

The original researcher appears to be Irita CANADY, and included this additional information:

I met with a couple of cousins, Wanda Bailey and Denny Norman, August 16, 2006 in Zanesville, Ohio, Although our meeting was regarding the Gant House…

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